March 2009
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Lock Up Your Daughters. IE8 Is Out There

Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules.
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken

Well, the dawn of IE8 is upon us. My favourite feature has got to be “Automatic Crash Recovery” or ACR. It sounds pretty scary. Will I even know it crashed? Will it ask me to send an error report? Okay, okay, it actually is going to be a useful feature. But I’d still prefer it if it didn’t crash.


To be honest, I’ve got no idea just how bad it is going to be, but a Twitter search for “IE8 broken” is starting to return results. We have done some testing against our sites on the beta versions, and maybe things won’t be too catastrophic. Things will break, but hopefully only little cracks. It isn’t going to be fun for the front end developers who have yet another browser against which to test, but it doesn’t look like the world will end. Someone has reported this it breaks WordPress, which I don’t think I believe. And as I write this, Twitter is over capacity and dead again. IE8′s fault perhaps?

As for me, I’ve turned into a bit of a coward since I became an early adopter of Vista. That wasn’t fun, so I’m in no hurry to install IE8 until the blogosphere decides it works properly. My plan for the next few weeks is to install this toolkit to ensure I don’t get auto updated. grab some canned food and a fridge full of beer, and hide in the basement until the smoke clears.

P.S. If you want to read an article that actually has a lot of useful insights into IE8, I would suggest CMSWire’s IE8 8 Released, Already Obsolete?

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