April 2009
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A Date With Autonomy/Interwoven

You will search, babe,
At any cost.
But how long, babe,
Can you search for what’s not lost?

Had an interesting meeting with Bruno Pereira from Autonomy/Interwoven yesterday. He gave us an eye-opening update on the future plans of the company after the merger with Autonomy. The ink on the contract finalising the merger is hardly dry, yet I am proud to present the first architecture diagram of the new, integrated product suite. Here it is:

The Not-So-Official New Autonomy/Interwoven Product Suite

The Not-So-Official New Autonomy/Interwoven Product Suite

Okay, so I lied. It’s just a scribble on a flip chart. Hopefully a better version of this will come up shortly. For those of you that can’t read the writing, the boxes say things like WorkSite, OD (OpenDeploy), TeamSite, LiveSite, MT (MetaTagger), MB (MediaBin), Optimost, Virage, Meridio, etalk, Zantaz and IDOL. More here and here.

I really enjoyed the meeting. I’d not met Bruno before, but his enthuasism for the company is obvious and infectious, and he clearly knows his trade. He was able to talk at many different levels, and showed us a few demos too. I was pleasantly surprised by the vision that he painted. He assured us that the knowledge from the long forgotten Verity is all safely tucked away in IDOL these days. And he could even answer my collegue’s question about custom fixed layouts in LiveSite, which was cool. We’re hoping SP1 is going to help us out a bit.

One piece of news that I was glad to hear – we no longer need to wait with bated breath for TeamSite 7. The version numbering system is going to continue to jump in little increments. So I think we’re going to be living in 6.x land for a while.

Sadly, I forgot to ask one of the questions that has been on everyone’s lips. What’s going to happen to the other CMS vendors that OEM Autonomy in their product? For example, will Vignette continue to ship Autonomy for their repository search, or will they become yet another CMS Vendor that moves to Lucune/Solr.

All this should unfold soon. Keep your eyes glued to your RSS readers …

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