December 2009
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Don’t Look Back – Zeitgeist 2009

She’s got everything she needs,
She’s an artist, she don’t look back.

Baaaah. I said I wouldn’t write this post, and a few people advised me not to. “Don’t Look Back!” they cried. But, dear readers, some of you begged for it. More importantly, I’m doing it for me (thanks Finnur) as a record. So if you don’t like these Blog Year In Review posts, stop reading now. Bye bye, and Happy New Year.

The Numbers

I finally started this blog in March 2009. The main reasons were a) I was up most of the night anyway due to baby’s sleeping habits and b) I was forced to take some holiday in March. I was never expecting anyone to read it, so a huge huge thank you to those that did, and helped me get some traffic love juice. I also got lucky with my timing as the infamous CMS Vendor Meme started just when I did. In 10 months, I’ve done:

  • Real Life beers with about 30 or 40 people I’d never have met if I didn’t start this blog. You know who you are.
  • According to Alexa, a mere 700,000 sites are more popular than mine. I’ve got a Page Rank of 5, although these don’t mean anything any more.
  • 65 blog posts (34 in the long gone super-keen first 3 months). So averaging 1.5 posts per week. Each post has lyrics from a different Bob Dylan song. I’m aiming for 100 before a theme change.
  • 571 comments (just over 8 per post). Probably 100 of these are from me!
  • 5,224 spam comments that Akismet has saved me from
  • 21,700 visits, or 45,500 page views, according to Google Analytics

My biggest day ever was about 400 visits. A shitty weekend is about 30. The traffic numbers have actually stayed reasonably constant since I started, although the frequency of new posts has dropped enormously.

Most Underrated

These are the 5 posts I liked most that never even made the Top 20. Please read them and tell all your friends. The poor guys never stood a chance.

Six Seminal Concerts, or What I’ve Learned About Blogging Social Media lessons from rock concerts LIKE A ROLLING STONE
When CMS Genes Won’t Splice Options for Open Text CMS Roadmap HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED
Don’t Make Monoliths A little story about Asterix and the Monoliths NORTH COUNTRY BLUES
Which Comes First: the Crew or the CMS? Thoughts on corruption in vendor selection exercises THE BALLAD OF FRANKIE LEE AND JUDAS PRIEST
The CMS Word on the Tweet Thoughts on how the term CMS means different things to different people PLAYBOYS AND PLAYGIRLS

Most Read

Here is the obligatory Top 10 by traffic. I’ve used number of unique visits as my metric.

2,049 Follow Forty Twitter CMS Gurus In Three Clicks Bit of a gimmick, but nice and viral as it turned out. WHEN THE SHIP COMES IN
1,454 OMG! Open Text buy Grandpa Vignette First impressions on the unexpected Open Text acquisition of Vignette. The only blog post I wrote at work (sorry, boss!), so I was one of the first. OH, SISTER
1,170 Celebrity CMS Deathmatch – The Aftermath CMS Vendor Meme Commentary – after it all ended. IDIOT WIND
899 What has the Ministry of Magic Quadrants got against me? Rant about Gartner’s new WCM Magic Quadrant BOB DYLAN’S 115TH DREAM
819 A Collaborative Google Wave Blog Post The Motley Crew writes a post in one hour with Wave TOMBSTONE BLUES
794 CMIS, JCR and OSGi for Idiots A diagram outlining JCR, CMIS and OSGi IT’S ALL OVER NOW, BABY BLUE
672 Will Vignette Give Open Text Food Poisoning? More thoughts on the world-shaking OTEX-VIGN acquisition MIXED UP CONFUSION
636 The Cloud – A Crock of Shit My thoughts on the non-existent cloud, the hype, and the standards KNOCKIN’ ON HEAVEN’S DOOR
628 Celebrity CMS Deathmatch – The Beginning CMS Vendor Meme Commentary – Part I ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER
592 Brain Teasers For The Pub Ten brain teasers to think about over a beer SILENT WEEKEND

Best Traffic Sources

Here is just a summary of where the traffic came from. Again, a massive thanks to those that lowered the tone of their sites by linking to me.

  • 25% of my traffic was from search engines. Google is the only one that matters sending about 95% of these.
  • 30% of the traffic was “direct”. I never bothered to set up tracking from Tweets but I’d bet the majority of these came from Twitter clients like Seesmic or Tweetdeck. Which means I get much more traffic from Twitter than Google. The other 45% of the traffic is from referring sites.
  • Twitter was my top referrer by miles, with 25% of my direct visits.
  • Second, third and fourth were all very close –, and Eighth went to
  • FaceBook, LinkedIn and Delicious made the Top 20.
  • The blogs in the Top 20 referrers were (6), (7), (9), (13), (14), (15), (17), (19) and (20)

Well, that’s that. If for some reason you’re interested in a stat I didn’t share, ask in the comments. Be excellent to each other, and I’ll see you on the other side of the noughties for that beer. It’s been real.

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