October 2010
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Microsoft vs Adobe, Ryder Cup Style

You got a lotta nerve
To say you are my friend
When I was down
You just stood there grinning
You got a lotta nerve
To say you gota helping hand to lend
You just want to be on
The side that’s winning

Let’s set the record straight. I can’t play golf. My course record is 120 odd, which sucks. But I love watching it. Especially the Ryder Cup. I actually can’t think of any sporting event that puts more pressure on the people involved. Let’s argue that one later.

Unfortunately I wasn’t watching the Ryder Cup last night. I was trying not to watching some shitty RomCom that my wife was enjoying. So, in honour of the New York Times’ rumoured (and stock spiking but highly improbable) Microsoft/Adobe merger, I made me this:

All of the scores are completely subjective. It’s worth mentioning that while Captain Shantanu played his strongest possible team (of 14 players), Captain Steve rested some of his powerhouses including Windows itself, SQL Server, Office, Azure, Team XBox and much much more. Steve picked the players that were the best match for Team Adobe’s players.

If anyone wants to argue the scoring, or provide their own, I’d be interested. And if anyone wants to give Apple vs Google a bash, that’ll be cool too. Winner plays Adobe.

The finish of this one wasn’t quite a nailbiting as the 2010 Ryder Cup, so Microsoft Paint’s controversial win over Adobe Photoshop didn’t change the outcome. I do so love golf. Although I love cricket more. And, to end on a random fact, Shantanu loves cricket even more than I do.

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