March 2011
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Back with a Bang

Call me any name you like
I will never deny it
Farewell Angelina
The sky is erupting
I must go where it’s quiet

Come gather ’round friends let me tell you a tale. I’ve been rather quiet these last twelve months. My poor blog has been lacking the frequent wisdom you all grew to depend on. And when the posts did come, they were often inane lacking in substance. You see, friends, I was involved in some top secret shiftyness and I signed a lot of pieces of paper which meant I couldn’t really talk about a lot of interesting things.

But I’m free from that now. So while it isn’t clear that my noble attempt to save the publishing industry from itself has been a success, I’ve emerged from the other side even wiser (gasp!) than before. I’m once again allowed to talk about things, and I’ve got a whole lot of shit I’d like to talk about. So, loyal readers, watch this space for more exciting news about Content Management Systems. And the Publishing Industry. And Paywalls. And Tablets and other Mobile Shit. And Adobe and Woodwing and HTML and iOS and Core Text. And lots lots more.

On the down side, I might not have much time to share all this wisdom with all of you. You see, I’ve started a new company with a few other brilliant people and we’re going to try to save the Publishing Industry from itself yet again. This promises to be time consuming, but I promise I’ll spend more time on this blog as my readers are worth saving too.

So that’s the news. Back with a Bang.

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