February 2025
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Spot The Difference – The 2010 CMS Watch Vendor Map

As everyone knows, I think the CMS Watch Content Techonology Vendor Map is awesome. They’ve just released the 2010 version. The main differences between this and the 2009 version are highlighted.

When CMS Genes Won’t Splice

People are talking about Open Text’s CMS roadmap again. There were some interesting statements made in the latest Earnings Call, the most notable of which implied a migration from RedDot to Vignette.

A Quiz, Some Beers and a Celebrity Visit

A light hearted post. I created a CMS quiz on QuizTweet which turned out far more popular than expected, so some information on that. Plus a plug for CMS geek events in London.

A FatWire In Shining Armour

An interesting play by FatWire. Our knights in shining armour have heard the shrill cries of distress from the damsels stuck at the top of Tower Vignette and Tower Interwoven and have gallantly offered to migrate them away to the safety of Castle FatWire for free. The name of the package (FatWire Rescue Program) implies the damsels are in serious trouble. Maybe this is a marketing stunt, maybe it is a genuine way for customers to save time and money.

CMS Celebrity Deathmatch: The Developers Speak

More like this please. As much as I enjoyed the CMS Vendor Meme, I have to admit that the results are fairly meaningless. Most of the answers were extremely corporate and towed the party line. So I was overjoyed to see Adrian Mateljan post his view on the Open Text response to the meme. I hope other developers will follow his lead.

Will Vignette Give Open Text Food Poisoning?

It’s been a few days since the announcement that Open Text will absorb Vignette. Most of the larger analysts have thrown their opinions on the deal into the ring, and some patterns are emerging. I’ve even got some of my own thoughts too. And they’re not all good.

OMG! Open Text buy Grandpa Vignette

I gotta admit, this one took me by surprise. Open Text has just announced that they are aquiring Vignette. There is more to come, but here are my initial thoughts.

Clash of the CMS Titans

Vignette have posted a new set of questions, which they’ve called the “Enterprise Web Content Management (WCM)” Meme. This takes the CMS Vendor Meme to the next level. Will there be blood?

Celebrity CMS Deathmatch – The Aftermath

The CMS Vendor Meme has now had 24 responses, including some of the large ECM players. The results are tabulated here with commentary, and make very interesting reading.

Celebrity CMS Deathmatch – The Meme Spreads

A post from Kas Thomas at CMS Watch has inspired Day to start an intriguing CMS fight. This is Part II of the story, which covers the entry of another 15 vendors. It’s all happening.