July 2024
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Brave Vendors, Cruel Judges and Me

I promised I’d scribble something about the Web Idol Competition at JBoye 09. The competition involved 6 vendors each presenting a fast paced 7 minute demo to the crowds, mimicking something like Pop Idol. The judging is done by an “expert” panel of 3 judges who offer inane commentary. The audience vote holds all the power over the final outcome. I was lucky enough to be asked to be one of the three judges on the panel.

My JBoye09 Fix WCM Presentation

Just finished my “Inconvenient truths and unsolved industry challenges” session at JBoye09, with Janus Boye and Jarrod Gingras of CMS Watch. You can download the slide deck as a 2MB PDF here

Let’s #fixwcm Before The Wheels Come Off

How many WCM implementations leave customers grinning from ear to ear? The statistics make sad reading. But if so many projects don’t meet expectations, who is to blame? Is it the vendor, either because of a crappy product or dodgy practice? Or the implementer that eats your budget while making a beautiful product smell real bad? Or are the customers naive, unrealistic or worse?

Vendors, Stress Balls and Beers

Today was Day 1 at Internet World 2009 a.k.a. #iwexpo for the Twitterrati. I chatted to lots of vendors, performed a vendor selection exercise, and drank a fair bit of sweet sweet beer.