January 2025
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CMS Vendor Navel Gazing

Is it possible to take five crucial CMS features and rate them in order of importance. It should be. But will anyone play?

Don’t Look Back – Zeitgeist 2009

Baaaah. I said I wouldn’t write this post, and a few people advised me not to. But, dear readers, some of you begged for it. More importantly, I’m doing it for me as a record. So if you don’t like these Blog Year In Review posts, stop reading now. Bye bye, and Happy New Year.

Saving Bob Dylan, or How Not To Do User Research

You’re not going to believe this. I’ve been getting some criticism. “Your posts are too long”, some people cried. “Lose the Twitterfeed”, shouted someone else. “Your Southpark Avatar is so 15 year old” claimed an anonymous coward. Hey man, I made that avatar myself. That hurts. But seeing as I work for an agency that prides itself on its insight and user research, I decided it was time to do some user research of my own.

My Second 50 Days of WordPress – Part II

I’ve now been live for about 100 days. This post talks about a few new plugins, further validation, authoring, SEO and traffic driving.

A Quiz, Some Beers and a Celebrity Visit

A light hearted post. I created a CMS quiz on QuizTweet which turned out far more popular than expected, so some information on that. Plus a plug for CMS geek events in London.

My First 50 Days of WordPress – Part I

It’s been about 65 days since I started this blog, and about 50 days since I moved from hosted WordPress.com to a self-hosted version. Since gaining my freedom, I’ve learned a lot about blogging, WordPress and various tools of the trade. For some reason, I’ve struggled to find resources that list all of the nice tips and tricks out there. In this post, I’m only going to talk about how it is built – the on-site stuff. In Part II I’ll talk about how the off-site pieces – things like Twitter, Directories and external checking tools.

Goodbye WordPress.com, Hello Freedom

We’ve moved. After a few beers I thought hosted WordPress.com was the way forward. Picked the theme that I disliked least from the 17 or so available, and sprouted my first post. Worst mistake I ever made, and I wasted $45 too.

Top 10 Top 10 Tech Lists of the Month

It seems Top 10 lists are all the rage these days, so before the month ends, I figured I’d jump onto the bandwagon and present my Top 10 Tech Lists of the Month. Includes lists about techie salaries, coding, Twitter, Domain Name Sales, WordPress and Search

The CMS Word on the Tweet

There are two worlds out there, in which the term CMS means something different. Most of the world, and my world. To most of the world, it seems to mean blog platforms, Drupal and Joomla! My “web generation” is extremely uncomfortable even calling WordPress a Content Management System.

Lock Up Your Daughters. IE8 Is Out There

Well, the dawn of IE8 is upon us. To be honest, I’ve got no idea just how bad it is going to be, but a Twitter search for “IE8 broken” is starting to return results. We have done some testing against our sites on the beta versions, and maybe things won’t be too catastrophic.