July 2024
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Broken Bones, Good Deals and My Daddy

Gather round, children. Let me tell you about my Dad. He’s a wonderful, smart man. He taught me to play chess when I was 3. He is also an orthopaedic surgeon, which means he fixes broken bones and things. He worked for many many many years in government hospitals until, about ten years ago, he moved from the operating theatre to the courtrooms, working in the medico-legal world.

Spot The Difference – The 2010 CMS Watch Vendor Map

As everyone knows, I think the CMS Watch Content Techonology Vendor Map is awesome. They’ve just released the 2010 version. The main differences between this and the 2009 version are highlighted.

How to Keep a CMS Vendor on their Toes

We’ve all read plenty of CMS Evaluation RFP response documents. And we’ve all sat through many a long CMS Vendor demo. Maybe it’s just me, but they’re all starting to look pretty similar. So, how do you differentiate between these things?

CMS Drug Dealers at Internet World

CMS Exhibitions aren’t just happiness and joy. You can meet a lot of interesting people, see a lot of demos and have nice beers afterwards. But there is also a dark, depressing side to these things which is, to me, embodied in the Used Car CMS Salesmen.

Vendors, Stress Balls and Beers

Today was Day 1 at Internet World 2009 a.k.a. #iwexpo for the Twitterrati. I chatted to lots of vendors, performed a vendor selection exercise, and drank a fair bit of sweet sweet beer.

Which Comes First: the Crew or the CMS?

Vendor Selection Exercises are part of most large projects. Is it ethical to let the agency or integrator doing the site build run the vendor selection exercise? Or should you pick a product before picking a partner?

CMS Watch Subway Vendor Map 2009

The good people at CMS Watch have released another version of their Subway Vendor Map. I love these things, but have a few comments.