July 2024
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Painting the Analytics World Blue

We’ve got some more BlueWashing going on. IBM announced today that they’re acquired analytics and marketing vendor Unica for $480 million. It seems like a lot of cash to me, but then again IBM have got plenty and what do I know. I do know it follows quite shortly after they bought pure analytics vendor CoreMetrics.

My Midlife Crisis Catalyst

A friend of mine just reintroduced me to my favourite game of all time. A curse on all of his houses. Civilization Revolution is out on iOS and, the bad news is, it is as good and addictive as ever. I don’t play games any more, trying to balance my time between my kids, my job, my blog and the odd bit of sleep. That’s all about to go to hell.

Warning: Acquisitions May Cause Dizziness, Vomiting, Nausea and Diarrhea

Where there is smoke, there is fire. In this case, it’ll be a shitstorm of a fire that’ll consume everything useful in it’s path. A bit like a Scorched Earth Campaign of Content Management. Of course I’m talking about the Autonomy/Open Text speculation, which isn’t actually going to happen. Surely.

A Fine Day For Adobe

Finally, finally, an acquisition I think I understand. Adobe have just announced they’re buying Day Software (press release) for about USD $240 million – just slightly less than OTEX paid for Vignette. Adobe’s re-entry into the CMS game is well overdue.

The Cloud – Not A Crock of Shit

It was just over a year ago when a younger, more naive Jon declared the The Cloud is a Crock of Shit. Well, I’m a little wiser now and I’m overjoyed to report that, in fact, it isn’t. Cloud Computing is very real, and something you need to know about.

Ostriches, Cheapskates, Charlatans, Old Dogs and Hippies

Paywalls are in the air. The Times have just launched their new site, and more will follow. No-one is quite sure how many people are going to cough up their cash for the content – we’ll just have to wait and see. For today, let’s just try to put the people that won’t pay into neat little boxes.

Global CMS Geekery

Good news. CMS Geeks are getting tanked up all over the world, and it’s spreading. If you live in/travel to one of these areas, join your groups and tell your friends. A few cities with a visible CMS presence haven’t joined in yet. I’m talking to you Stockholm and Copenhagen. And Western Europe could use a couple. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India need to represent too.

GoDaddy, GoDaddy, you bastards, I’m through

I’ve been on GoDaddy a long time, and got pretty annoyed by the speed and reliability of the service. And now they’ve been hacked too. I’m angry.

E is for Enterprise

Here we go again. Peter (@pmonks) and Laurence (@piewords) are at it again. The current enormously important discussion topic is whether the ‘E’ makes any sense in the term ECM. Well, it doesn’t.

Superspliced Open Text Logo Updated

Open Text’s recent acquisition of NStein means it is time to update the super-spliced Open Text logo that first made it’s appearance in the article When CMS Genes Won’t Splice, inspired by the aquisition of Vignette. So here it is in all of it’s glory, with a nice Red N added.